What to Expect

  • First Appointment


    Your first visit to the office will give us an opportunity to put a face to a name and officially connect with you! The tour will show you and your family around the office, ensuring you feel as comfortable as possible navigating our space!

    Health History & Consult

    Once guided into a consult room by our Care Advocate, Dr. Sydney or Dr. Joe will go over an initial health history and discuss you or your family member’s health goals. At Deep Rooted Chiropractic, we truly care about your health goals and ask you to provide as much additional detail as you can about your individual needs and concerns, as well as on the initial paperwork you fill out!

    Neurological Assessment

    After connecting one on one with you over your paperwork, we will perform a detailed assessment utilizing our state of the art CLA INSiGHT technology. This is our our lens into your nervous system, to see your body’s capacity to adapt. We don’t want to take any guesses when it comes to your health! This neuro-spinal assessment is an extremely important part of our initial intake process as we are able to test objectively how your nervous system is functioning!

    These scans are radiation-free and completely safe to use on all ages, including during pregnancy and infancy. We go over what these scans do and why we use them prior to the assessment to ensure you have a clear understanding every step of the way! If at any point you want to geek out over the scans, or have any additional questions, please feel free to ask!


    Once your history and neuro-spinal scans are finished, we will be sure to leave time at the end of this appointment to answer any questions you have. Please allot the appropriate time needed, as the first appointment will take approximately 30-45 minutes from start to finish!

  • Second Appointment

    Let’s Talk Scans

    By the time we see you for your second visit to the office, Dr. Sydney and Dr. Joe will have had plenty of time to go through your initial history and scans. They will explain in great detail what neurologically-based chiropractic care is and will go over what they found in your scans! Our doctors will be sure you understand how to interpret these scans and what the results of each mean to your health. We will determine if we can help as well as how long it will take for us to reach the goals you've set out to achieve.

    All of your questions will be answered and your concerns will be heard. Please note that this appointment can take anywhere from 35 to 45 minutes.

    After going over all of the details, you will get your first adjustment!

Frequently Asked Questions

  • We are not in-network with insurance. However, we do accept cash, credit, HSA and FSA. If at any point you would like an itemized bill that you would like to submit to your insurance for reimbursement - we would be happy to provide that upon request!

    We provide care for families, kids and pregnant moms which is not typically covered by insurance. We encourage families to make their own health decisions and offer family/wellness discounts, as well as payment plans that are more affordable in the long run!

  • Every person has a nervous system and is constantly adapting to life. Nervous system care goes beyond a set amount of visits, and we highly encourage getting wellness and preventative care to adapt to every stage of life!

    Our care plans are individualized and based on our CLA INSiGHT scanning technology that works as a roadmap of where you have subluxation, style of adjustment and how often to adjust. These care plans are also based on any health goals you may have and vary.

  • Each person is different, and that goes for kiddos too! While we may utilize manual adjustments for adults, kids do not need the same amount of input in their nervous system when they are still tiny and learning the ropes.

    An infant adjustment is the same amount of pressure you’d use to check the ripeness of a tomato! Your child may even sleep through an adjustment. Our chiropractors are specialized in various techniques to impact your child’s nervous system - and that may include using gentle techniques using their hands or a tool called an integrator. Adjustments can happen on our kids table or crawling around in the play room - whatever your child is most comfortable with!

  • We believe that care should be affordable for everyone in the family! There are family, wellness, and first responder/veteran discounts available.

    Also, we offer monthly installments or one-time payment options.

Who We Serve

  • Babies and kids struggling with ear infections, colic, breast feeding, constipation, behavioral issues, sleep, developmental delays, sensory issues, bedwetting, trauma recovery and more can benefit from nervous system chiropractic care.

  • Women struggling with fertility, preconception, baby position, pubic symphysis pain, sciatic nerve pain, postpartum care, nervous system support, natural labor/delivery, easy labor, breastfeeding issues and more can benefit from nervous system based chiropractic care.

  • Women struggling with an inabaility to handle stress, cycle imbalances, perimenopause and menopause symptoms can benefit from nervous system based chiropractic care.

  • Families struggling with illness and immune system challenges, sleep difficulties, stress adaptation, digestion concerns, aches and pains, vertigo, headaches, and those seeking greater wellness can benefit from nervous system based chiropractic care.

Create a solid foundation of health for the entire family with Neurologically-Based Chiropractic care!

Book Your First Visit Now!